Sunday, August 23, 2009

A typical weekend in Ecuador? I think not!!!

WOW!!! what a weekend i have had. I ended class on Friday then went to the mall with my friends thinking it was just going to be an ordinary weekend but when i got home my brother asked if i wanted to go to a bull fight!!! Yes i went to a bull fight!!!! it was at the very first stadium in Quito and there was soo many people. It was an amazing experience although once you think about it, i kinda felt bad for the bulls! And i also kept thinking that a bull fight would never EVER be allowed in the US, there would be so many protesters and I feel like it would cause such a riot!! But it was really cool to experience, and to hear everyone yell "OLE!!" After that I had my first experience of Ecuadorian of Ecuadorian bars! First of all i ordered lemonade and got a HUGE glass of lemon juice (at least thats how it tasted). I was really thirsty and that just made it worse but i choked it down (bad idea my stomach was hating me!!) Second, the bar we went to was a typical Ecuadorian bar that had a live band which was awesome but then they started playing all kinds of american songs, i love rock and roll and im a survivor for example! I liked it at first until I saw the 3 gringos (obvious foriegners) jumping up and down to the music while everyone else was dancing typical (beautiful) hispanic dances. And I was really embarrased because I knew right then that I was being stereotypes and associated with them.

Anyways the next morning i was bummed because we had our spanish class on a saturday but afterwards the directors took everyone from Kalamazoo College for lunch (big meal of the day). We all got in this ginormous bus and headed toward the restaurant. We got near by and by this time we were on dirt roads as everyone is wondering where on earth we were going! All of a sudden the bus takes a very sharp turn that no bus driver in the US could ever make and within 2 seconds we were looking over the edge of the road at a valley extremely far down and there was maybe 8 inches in between the edge with no railing and the tires of the bus!! it was extremely scary although thrilling at the same time!! Looking off the edge at nothing but a roaring river, one house and a restaurant with horses and cows was such an amazing sight (and no i didnt have my camera :-(. The restaurant was beautiful and had a great food, (including a wood pizza oven, dad) The restaurant was nothing like in the US. It was almost completely open and the walls were made of wood splits (if that makes any sense). We stayed at the restaurant for a while exploring the river and petting horses. It was incredible that soo many people were at the restaurant because it was in the middle of no where, but alot of people rode their bikes to the restaurant. After we returned from our amazing lunch everyone gathered together at night as we explored what my madre calls gringo lania. It was soooo many bars and discotecas (clubs), there were an amazing amount of people but it was such a blast!!

Chow!!! i have to get up early for orientation tomorrow!!!

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